The Brambleton Model Railway Club
Spring Open Day - 14th May 2016

The Brambleton Model Railway Club is hidden away in some woodland in Harpenden. It's quite a trek to get there from the road.......................  

............... down and up a hill on a narrow track............................


................... with abandoned railway cuttings going off. The present-day Midland Main Line runs below (and I MEAN below) one edge of the site - not that you an see any trains - the woodland on site and Network Fail's untrimmed cutting side sees to that!


There are a number of steam-up areas..........


........none of which were busy when I arrived - that was soon to change!


These are just the narrow gauge tracks........................

("lifted" from the Brambleton Web Site)


My first train of the day was a Flagg Fluorspar one - I didn't want to get in the way of the Steam Boys, but when talking to potential new members, it was useful to have a train that costs less than £100 on hand to show them.


At this time, I had virtually all the running lines available to me. There's so much that at times I let it get on with things..........


....................whilst some of the younger members kept an eye on it and sent it who knows where. It came back eventually!


Going over the 0 gauge tracks.


Things then started to get a little busier..................


Steam trains started to make an appearance............................


.............and the Gardening Team did a little last-minute planting................


.......... whilst the early runners got on with the serious business of the day..


Then, the Great British Public started to arrive...........


.................... and we started to answer questions!


Pretty soon, the site was rammed............


........ mainly with "ordinary" (ie non-enthusiast) families.............


Teas, coffee and buns were selling well..........


........... and the 0 gauge boys were doing their fair share of running (virtually all battery electrics).


There weren't any buildings out - this line is made for operation - but I did spot this tractor.


There was quite a lot of serious interest being taken in the trains.............


A rather nice "Victory" with a couple of GWR coaches.


Ian Thomas had brought his own little battery electric train, so I wasn't completely on my own............


..................... and of course The Rat got out a few times - the line was Certified, too!.


Here's to the next time!

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Page Created on 14nd May 2016